Thursday, June 14, 2007

Good Search

This isn't really anything in particular, but Mandi was telling me the other day about a search engine that is able to donate money to charity for every search that you run using that program. It's called goodsearch, and if you go to that site, you are able to pick out a charity that you would like to donate money to. Now, it's only about 1 cent per search, but if you figure how many times you search for different things during the day, and if you can get a number of your friends to help out, and a number of your friend's friends...well, you get the picture. If you don't have one that you might like to sign up with, I'd suggest a company called International Justice Mission (IJM) based out of D.C. Not a bad way to donate a little money, all while you're just browsing around on the internet. Oh, and the song in the player has changed. Still can't get it to have a playlist though.

And on a completely random note, does anyone know what the T's in ITT Technical Institute stand for? I figure there's only so many times you can say Technical in a school title...

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