Friday, June 01, 2007

Already about a late-night post, huh. I've been hunting around on the net for some stuff that Mandi might be interested in doing after work that relates to service projects or just getting involved in some form or fashion with some people that would need it. Sadly, I haven't been able to really find any information at all on anything like that. I guess we'll just need to do some more digging.

Another thing that would be helpful, is if anyone has any ideas about how to spice up the story of Daniel and the Lion's Den, Mandi and I would be quite appreciative. We're teaching the class on that story during one night of our upcoming Vacation Bible School. The main emphasis is on prayer, obviously, and we're trying to come up with ways to emphasize that point, as well as to try and make it somewhat fun for the kids. Mandi's a huge fan of having me dress up as a lion and attack the kids at random and have them start praying and have that cause me to back away from them. I think she likes the idea mostly cause she thinks it would be amusing to see me running around in a lion's costume...Any help would be beneficial though, if there are any thoughts.

It's strange, how quickly time can pass. I don't really know where all that time went, thinking back to January when this past semester was just getting started, and thinking of all the time that I had to get things finished for the master's degree and everything. Now, it's already June 1st, and I've got about 5 weeks to finish my paper, create a powerpoint presentation, and take care of the business stuff that UT requires me to have completed. Things are moving along, although my first draft of my paper was decidedly a very, very rough draft. I've gotten most of the corrections taken care of, and now I'm waiting on the 3rd guy to go through all the data and see what he says about it. Last I checked, he didn't know what to do say about it, and if the guy that's been studying superconductivity for 30 years doesn't know what to say, I'm sure as heck not going to know what say about it. Unless I'm a genius...

Something that I've started doing in the past couple months of posting on here (and sporadically from the beginning) is to start using song titles as the title for my posts. They are usually just what I've been listening to either at the time of the post or that got me thinking about whatever random thoughts I put down for that day. Some of the time, the song content doesn't even relate to what I end up rambling about, and sometimes it coincides quite nicely. It's really interesting some of the inspiration you can get from a song title, regardless of the genre that the particular song comes from.

With that in mind, today's song title comes from a new band called Rush of Fools. I guess with looking at how quickly the past 5 months of this year have passed, it seemed fitting to use this particular word, especially given the constricted time frame I will soon be dealing with. The song deals with the idea that God has already taken care of anything and everything. There's nothing left for us to do but accept Him and do His will. He already loves us, He already has taken care of us, He already did everything that was necessary on His part to bring us to Him. For me, especially in a time when I'm feeling as if I have to work hard in order to have anything work out correctly, it's comforting to know that, for this aspect of my life, all the "work" has been done. All I've got to do is step up and accept what's on offer. Once I'm to that point, it shouldn't be all that hard to go out and do His will, should it? After all, the hard part has already been done.


MSS said...

I second Mandi's idea of dressing you up as a lion! Or you could make the point that the female lions are really the hunters so she should be the one to dress up :).

Paul Murphy said...

Ideas for Daniel

1. Dan T. Petty- He doesn't back down. You can stand him up at the gates of lions-den, but he won't back down.

2. Your not my judge. When the law came into town to stop Daniel he lived up to his name and faced down his adversaries. He said your not my judge but "God is my judge." (Dan- judge iel- God is)

3. Mandi dresses up in a giant lion costume then has to "eat" Sam. So Sammer has to crawl into the costume with her. Sam will then discreetly exit through the back of the costume so things don't get weird.

That's the best I've got in 2min.