Wednesday, November 22, 2006


So it's finally here. Thanksgiving break. It's different, not being at Harding where you go for 3 months straight and get a week off. UT gives smaller breaks at more frequent intervals, so we get Thursday and Friday off. As such, we supposedly have classes during the first half of this week. Not that I really went to anything. I went to one of my two classes because I wanted to hang out with Mandi and not stay on UT campus until 5:30 in the afternoon. As such, I've spent today grading lab finals. A lot of people actually did surprisingly well this semester as compared to others. I had people making 100's on the test for the first time ever. So either I taught it better (possible, but not likely), the test was easier (not possible, since it was the same test), or the students were smarter (given last year's class, this is the most likely option). It's nice to have that stuff out of the way, since it will free up my Monday and Wednesday mornings.

We lost our championship soccer game for the Knoxville Rec league. It didn't help that there were only 9 of us without a goalkeeper. We ended up losing 3-1. So not bad, given our lack of personnel. We just need to get some more trusty people that will play with us next year. Or at least a real goalkeeper each week.

At any rate, I'm on my way to the parents house for the next few days while Dustin is home. I'm looking forward to a few days of relaxation, good food, and hanging out with the family. Enjoy the break everyone.

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