Thursday, November 02, 2006


So, for a random post. Those of you that know me know that I love listening to music. I was sitting here grading all my students lab reports for the astronomy labs and I had my computer music player running. One of the songs that popped on while I was grading was the song "Cecilia" by Simon and Garfunkel. This song is one of my enduring memories from Harding. I was in the dorm with the music going (as usual), and this song comes on. Suddenly, the door bursts open, Paul comes running in to the room screaming, and tells me that this is the song. The song? Yes, the song that he had in fact been looking for for a number of years since he'd heard it on the radio and that he hadn't ever been able to find it or figure out what song it was. Probably one of the strangest joyful moments I've ever seen Paul experience.

In other news, I've finally started my work out at Oak Ridge National Lab. I'm going to be in a group that is studying superconductors, and how well they work in the presence of a magnetic field. The idea is to move the superconductor to different orientations in order to see how it maximizes the superconductive abilities. The cool thing about superconductors, other than the fact that they are all extremely cold in order to be superconducting, is that they can carry a current, in effect, forever. Current superconductors have gone for months without having a noticeable drop in the current flowing through them. And there are some pretty cool applications that could use these superconductors once they get working. Check out this site if you're interested in some more info:

It's been a long to relax for a while.

1 comment:

Paul Murphy said...

I still think of you every time I hear that song.