Saturday, July 28, 2007

To Know My Self, Pt. 2

Tonight is my last night in the apartment that I've called home for the past 2 years. I'm heading back to my parents place for a little while (hopefully), until I find myself a job. In a promising development, I had one of the companies that I sent a resume to send me back an email asking for some more information, and how and when to contact me. That's rather encouraging. We'll see what comes of it. For the mean-time, though, it's on to part two of the questions.

Question Five: What is your favorite TV game show?

Very interesting question...I think I would have to say that my favorite TV game show to watch would be MXC. Why, you ask? Because it's got a bunch of Asians on it, of course!! Just kidding. Sort of. But really, where else where you get witty commentary, slick pop-culture references, and some of the most bizarre games that you've ever seen played before? If you don't find watching a bunch of people trying to pole vault from a tall stand on to a small floating block of wood in a pool of septic sludge funny, I'd think there is something wrong with you. And besides, who doesn't like the repartee between Vic Romano and Kenny Blankenship? Right you are, Ken.

In a close second place finish, I would say Cash Cab on the Discovery Channel. The concept is brilliant, of having a cab ride in NYC that pays you to answer questions as you go to your location. However, get 3 questions wrong, and you'll get kicked out wherever you are on your trip. The host is pretty cool too. He's got some great facial expressions whenever people are struggling with a question. Catch it on Discovery at 6 PM ET if you don't know what I'm talking about.

Question Six:
Name something about yourself that you should change.

That's easy. My inability to control my temper when I'm driving. I don't know what it is, but whenever I get behind the wheel, I suddenly become a very outspoken, critical person. I don't usually consider myself to be that way in general, but I am when I'm driving. I know I'm not the perfect driver, but I really do get on to people for doing idiotic things while they're driving. Now, I would think that most of my criticism is deserved. That doesn't mean I should get bent out of shape about it.

Question Seven:
What are your favorite foods to eat, and what can you cook that anyone would like?

What kind of question is that? That's right, one to fill space. My favorite foods are pretty much anything that is Asian, and Italian. My favorite Japanese food is a particular style of food, more than an actual food piece. It's called Skiyaki, based on the sauce that everything is cooked in. You essentially get a huge wok, put in meats, vegetables, noodles, anything really, and you cook it in this sauce for a while. It gets the sauce flavor blended in with everything, and it's really quite amazing. If you ever happen to stop by my parents house, ask for that if there's a choice. My favorite dessert? Cheesecake, by far. And an outstanding dish that nobody but my mom can make correctly called 4-layer Delight. If you've had it, you know. If not...I'm sorry.

As for what I can cook, I think I do a fair job on the grill making chicken, burgers, and sausages. At least I do well when put in charge of that over at Mandi's place. I figure I can also cook a mean fish. Even though I'm not huge on them, they usually turn out pretty nice.

Question Eight:
Why did you start writing this blog in the first place?

In all honesty, I really don't know the answer to this question. I remember thinking about 9 months ago, that I really enjoyed reading about the thoughts and adventures that friends were having. And I remembered also thinking that there were times that I was having thoughts that I just really couldn't talk with anyone here at UT about since, well, most of the time it wouldn't have interested them in any way. I've never been one to write in a journal or something, and I'd never really been one to write much at all period, but it seemed like a good idea one day after I'd been thinking about something for a particularly long time, to simply put it down somewhere. So this blog was then off and running. I guess is in the end, I wanted it to serve the same purpose that it served for me-that some friends of mine would be able to see a little in to what I was doing, and just let them know how things were going for me. I guess in the end that it's served that purpose, although for who it has served over the past 8 or 9 months, I can only guess. Hopefully, it's been somewhat entertaining for those that have suffered through it with me.

And so, here ends the Eight Question Meme. What the heck is a meme anyway? I guess I'll go Google it...


Luke Dockery said...

Hey Sam, thanks for playing along.

Caroline is also a bad-tempered driver. Just don't tell her that I said that. :)

Incidently, I have no idea what a "meme" is.

Paul Murphy said...

I would like to suggest that people can now ask us questions. I'll start. Sam, I salute you for valuing your freedom, but how long do you think you can hold out on Mandi?