Wednesday, July 11, 2007

IT'S OVER!!!!!!!

So I noticed that it's been a while since I updated on here. Lots has been going on. My brother's home for a couple weeks until the fall semester starts up. He actually leaves for the Dominican Republic with my church's mission team for a week next Wednesday. The only problem is that he broke 2 fingers in his right hand. So hopefully tomorrow when he goes to the doctor, they'll say that everything has healed nicely and that it should be alright down there for a week without another appointment.

In other news, I'm FINISHED with my Master's. I defended this morning, through a 1 hour and 15 minute talk/Q&A, and came out with a sheet of paper saying that I had passed with all of the professors signing on it. In other words, besides a few extraneous pieces of paperwork, I'm for all intents and purposes and Master of Science. I think I'm going to go to sleep now. Rock on.

1 comment:

Luke Dockery said...

Congratulations Sambo. It sounds pretty cool to say that you are a "Master of Science." Not quite as cool as being a He-Man-style Master of the Universe, but still, pretty cool.

Besides, I wasn't allowed to watch He-Man when I was little anyway.