Friday, May 18, 2007

Leave Out All The Rest

Ah, the weekly update. This week has been...busy. Mandi's been at a conference in Frederick, MD all week, so I've had ample time to work on my thesis paper. Which is a good thing. 2 months and counting. I am up to 45 pages now. Strange what a week's worth of work will do for you, huh? I even have references and stuff. It's crazy. Oh, alright, so I don't have anywhere near 45 pages of writing, but those graphs and charts and tables are necessary, and I certainly had to write them, so I'm counting them. And by the way, if anyone else that sees this is going to be writing a long paper that needs references, a table of contents and lists for figures and tables and stuff, try using LaTex. It just makes it all easier. You just label the figure, table, graph, whatever, and it tracks it, numbers it, and updates everything on it for you. Excellent.

This coming weekend is the end-of-year tournament for the middle school teams that I've been helping coach these past few months. We're kind of optimistic about how they'll do since they don't set up brackets specifically by the divisions you played in. Essentially what they did is they took the teams and broke down the records that they had, and placed the teams with similar looking stats in to the same brackets, I guess in a bid to try and even out the playing field. Our A-team has a pretty decent draw from the looks of it. Not so much for our B-team. But, as in any sport, you never really know how things will go until the game is played. Our only major concern is having everyone be on time. Our games on Saturday and Sunday morning are at 8, and since we can't hardly get a team to show up on time to a 6:30 PM game...we're a little worried. Hopefully it won't be an issue.

As I was sitting in church the other day, it was time for communion. So, naturally there is the "Communion Leader" who gets up and talks for a while. Now, I don't have a problem with this, and I generally think it's interesting hearing different men get up and give their perspectives on what they see as being important or what insight or personal experience they might have had in relation to this particular portion of the worship service. There are times, though, when I feel like it's too much about a particular person getting up and giving a 5 minute talk on communion and what they think is important. Almost like, since they're the designated "leader" for the week, that they feel they have to say a lot. I don't know if this stems from most people's generally inability to be comfortable in silence or what, but sometimes, I wish that it would be just a simple statement, and then everyone can have their own time to dwell on their personal relationship with God for a few moments. Communion is a time to remember Christ's death and, more importantly in my opinion, his resurrection. We take it as a remembrance until we can eat and drink with him again, which obviously would be impossible if he were not resurrected. I guess at times, less is more. Just leave out the rest.


Philip said...

It's much more simple when the 5-minute lecture is in a language you don't completely understand and you're just hearing... "God" "jesus" "die" "die" "God" "heaven" "God" "die."

Thus, it's easy to block out the words and instead focus on the important things like, "why is my daughter eating an M&M?... why is she now putting it in her pants?... am I supposed to be doing something about this? and is that really an M&M?

Anonymous said...

hi when you responded to my post and i emailed you back, i had no idea you were a grad student with lots, is presume, on your plate. i'm still not familiar with where i'm posting this, since i receive your blogs through google alert...i have our common last name signed would still be interesting to find if we are somehow relatated along the somewhat uncommon travaglini line...good luck with your studies! bella travaglini